
Dal Tavolo Nazionale dei Contratti di Fiume, nasce un Gruppo d'Azione Europeo - EIP Water Action Groups (AG’s)

pubblicato il 07 aprile 2015
da: Virna Venerucci

Dal Tavolo Nazionale dei Contratti di Fiume, nasce un Gruppo d'Azione Europeo "Participatory European network on Water Governance - Smart Rivers Network” selezionato dal III Bando Europeo EIP Water Action Groups (AG’s). Si tratta di un passaggio....

importante perché viene così riconosciuta ed ulteriormente validata, l’esperienza condotta in questi anni con il Tavolo Nazionale dei Contratti di Fiume in Italia."

The AG intends to contribute to the diffusion of participative governance in the management of European hydrologic basins, through the activation of a cooperative network. The public agreements or covenants on water have demonstrated to be very useful participatory tools to promote the involvement of the local communities in making decisions on river basins management. These processes have taken various forms, often in compliance with national policies and the most widespread tool is the so called River Contract, currently used in France, Belgium, Italy and Spain. However, these tools have a lower diffusion in the East European countries and quite different approaches have been adopted in most of the other EU states. The proposed AG is thus an opportunity to share the experiences already existing at the EU level and to enhance the spreading of participative governance in the East European countries".

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