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National Monitor EU Network
National Network

 scuola superiore di facilitazione e progettazione partecipata

 società dei territorialisti

-: Ecoazioni EnParticipation


EASW: District of S.Basilio Rome 2005. Management Scenarios and sustainable local maintenance for residential building joint ownership: IACP Rome, Federcasa, Crasform,
EASW: L’Aquila 2005 – Distric of Colle Capo Croce The future of a quarter adapted at everybody. Scenarios for management and sustainable maintenance in joint ownwrships. IACP L'Aquila, Federcasa, Crasform,
EASW: Mugello, globalisation and local development – scenarios and projects for mechanic’s enterprises. CNA, CESVIT.
Participated Workshop “ To build and to guide the changement: in architecture for environment” Legambiente Nazionale
easw: Ostia 2005 “A view over the port” Enterprises development and occupation from the sea to the territory. Municipality of Rome
EASW: Vernazza 2010 “For a common vision of community in the future ” Action local plan for Agenda 21. Municipality of Vernazza, Centro Via Italia, Ecoazioni
EASW: towards a sustainable strategic plan for the ceramic district in faenza and castel bolognese.
EASW: Awareness and strategies to fight desertification. ENEA ANNEX IV UNCCD Licata, 
EASW: Realisation of a centre for recovery and special not dangerous wastes treatment. (Zelo Buon Persico,)
EASW: Spoleto 2010: Renewables energies, environment and local development (Spoleto,)
EASW: Formative workshop on sustainable City- University of Rome, ENEA Rome,)
EASW: Towards a new model of development for the Silan area- Ministry of Labours and Social politics European Commission - European Social Fund “ Good practices transfer” PON “Technical assistance and system actions” ob.1 – consortium ARPA, Federculture, Parchi Val Di Cornia S.P.A. Intesa Formazione Sud, Camigliati Scuola Management Territoriale (Camigliatello Silano)
EASW: AG21 Simulated workshop in the Province of Lodi: sustainable tourism in the territory of Lodi – Province of Lodi, FAST (Lodi,) 
EASW: participated workshop in ag21 in the Province of Lodi: the sustainability in the schools – province of Lodi FAST (Lodi,)
The participated management of the water resource against the processes of desertification– (Desert net -UNCCD) Municipality of Cammarata, ENEA (Cammarata,)
EASW Towards a Action Plan for Local Agenda 21 – Comune di Spoleto (PG) (Spoleto,)
6 workshops using an adaptation of EASW - Agenda 21 Foligno,
EASW - Urban requalification of Corviale, Roma ,
EASW - Sustainable urban quality in 2016, San Giovanni Valdarno,
EASW - Innovation and Development, Catania
6 workshops using an adaptation of EASW - Agenda 21 Comunità Montana Valtiberina Toscana
EASW - Tourism in Costa Sud 2016 – Province of Cagliari
EASW - Tourism in Sulcis 2016- Province of Cagliari
EASW – Desertification process Alghero 2010: città d’acqua – DESERT-NET,
EASW - Urban Mobility Plan – Corato Municipalità (BA)
16 workshops using an adaptation of EASW methodology. AG21 Alta Umbria
Ecoazioni via B.Ubaldi,39 - 06024 Gubbio, Perugia - Italia Tel. +39 0759222693 Fax +39 0759272282 ecoazioni@ecoazioni.it - P.Iva 02477040543
by: Federico Venerucci